Friday, August 8, 2008

My Life Saviour

Hail SuSu!! My only accomplice in all deeds and crime out here in this hackneyed and bulls****** culture that people have built up. As one of my status messages read the other day, "People hide their incompetence by derogating the competent." Its a very true statement when it comes to this so called elite group of students. As one of my seniors Manaw told me out here, "Every one other than you is a @&%#*!@" and now I totally appreciate that peice of advise. Yeah so coming back to SuSu..

You just need to read this ..

thanks for covering my back Big Bro...

P.S. Do not inerpret anything from the third pic out their. Its just a part of the nuances of photography...


SUKRUT said...

WTF.. No comments here. Duh! Darn! Shit!

SUKRUT said...

Poof. Dish. Tish.